Here is a typical look into the family bathroom on most days.
(Don't judge me by my 1960's bathroom floor)
I bought and decorated four cute hooks, one for each of my kids. They have my kids' first name initials so I would know which hook belonged to whom.
I also hung them low so there was no excuse for them not hanging their towels up. It is probably the design of the peg, but the towels don't always like to stay hanging... I have lived this way for 8 years and finally decided that enough is enough. Something had to be done to help these towels stay put. I have actually known what to do for some time but I finally got around to doing this little, tiny really, project to make life a little bit neater.
I measured a generous amount of ribbon to sew to the middle of the length of each towel. I folded the end of the ribbon under and stiched it in place.
Easy peasy and done in just a couple of minutes.
Ahhhh! I love neat!