We've had it with the snow here in Massachusetts. We got some beautiful snow again over night. It wasn't much, but... it's March!

rained and melted away.
My lovely dried hydrangeas. I moved them from inside to get rid of them. I still like them but my family was not happy with the mess they would occasionally, okay, often make when touched - even by accident.

I love this photo of my gnome all covered in snow next to my cute little pine tree. I tried to clean the snow off his face to make him a little more "camera ready" but at that point in the day the snow was really frozen on.
So, to lighten my mood I spent the day inside sewing and decorating. I did a small craft project that I will reveal in full detail soon. ( sorry for the shadowy photo - I didn't get to it until this evening and was low on light)
Have a lovely day! K

The bird bath undisturbed.

Have a lovely day! K