To me fall has always meant the beginning. With school starting and the cooler crisp weather, I always feel it is time to implement new ideas, start projects, get things going. Gone are the sluggish days of summer, the food and drink filled weekends. In its place is the motivation to get things cleaned up, freshened up and organized. Well it's time to clean up, freshen up and orgainize my blog. In going through my excercises in Bloggin Your Way I have started to narrow down exactly what I want from a blog. I will not bore you with the details, however, I hope the results will be exciting. I plan on including lots of lovely ideas and projects to keep things interesting. I am bartering sewing services with a graphic designer and will have a new "look" soon, hopefully. I am also honing my photography skills and believe it is finally time to upgrade to a more versatile camera. Keep checking in to see how things progress. K