A couple of weeks ago I posted a blog about a cute little pillow I made. I called it the Aylish pillow.

It was a fun design I found here which Crystal found here . Well, Crystal is doing a wonderful thing. She is raffling off a quilt she has created using that fun pattern. But that is not all. Each $10.00 raffle ticket buys a net for a family in Africa. You can read her version here. I just think it is a wonderful, beautiful, generous thing she is doing. I love the way the quilt has turned out and I am trying to decide how many raffle tickets I should buy. $10.00 is a trip to Dunkin Donuts for me and the kids. $20.00 was spent the other day getting knitting supplies. $30.00? Well, I spent about $30.00 on clothes for the kids the other day. I'm getting my tickets, will you get yours? K