Monday, October 24, 2011

Making Mercury Glass

I found a blog post about making mercury glass and decided to give it a try.  It took me a little while to get the spray paint and still didn't end up with quite the right thing but decided to give it a try anyway.  I wanted looking glass silver but when I tried the silver I had purchased it turned out more matte.  The supplies you will need are vinegar water spray (50/50), silver looking glass spray, glass containers, newspaper and paper towels. 

Once I had everything together, outside since the spray paint is smelly, I sprayed the inside of the globes lightly.  While the paint was still wet I sprayed the vinegar water mixture onto the inside of the glass.  The vinegar/water beaded up the paint and I took a paper towel at this point and dabbed off the excess paint. 

I sprayed and dabbed until I was happy with the results.

Once they were all dry I took them inside to the mantle and put some candles in them.  I would have liked black candles for Halloween but had to make due with little white ones. 

I think I could have taken off  a little more paint but the glow is very pretty.  I think I'll try again and follow the instruction of the blog post and see what the results end up like.